

Hot Wheels Batmobiles

I used to be much more into Hot Wheels than I am today. I try to keep that corner of my collection under control these days and greatly limit my purchases, but for around a dollar I can't pass up a Hot Wheel Batmobile that I don't already own.

I can still remember when Hot Wheels first released the '89 Batmobile way back in 2004. I was very into Hot Wheels at that time, and Batmobile merchandise was pretty much sparse to non-existent. So finding a new toy Batmobile - for around a dollar - made me a bit crazy and I vowed to buy every one I saw at retail until I owned one hundred of them.

I've moved about six or seven times since then, and my Hot Wheels and Batmobiles collection remains boxed up to this day, so I honestly cannot tell you if I ever reached that goal. (Although I don't think I ever passed one up at retail, so I nailed that part of my personal goal.) But I can comfortably say that I came close, and with all the variations on that standard black '89 Batmobile made to date, I'd not be surprised if I surpassed it by a comfortable margin.

This '89 Batmobile in chrome with yellow trim is a 2015 release on shelves now. It is part of the HW City sub-theme and is numbered 62/250. I generally don't like Batmobiles that aren't black or blue, but this car does look hot in this muted chrome livery.

This black with red trim '89 Batmobile is also a 2015 HW City sub-theme number 62/250 and on shelves now. I may have one of these already that Jon from Robot Monster Space Superhero sent to me a few months back. But when it comes to one dollar Hot Wheels Batmobiles it is better to err on the side of 'I NEED it' when I see it. The red trim works as something Batman might have actually added to the Batmobile, and the red windshield looks nice and menacing.

When the Brave and the Bold Batmobile was first released in 2010 I also went a little overboard. I didn't aim at owning a hundred of them, but I probably have about ten if not more. The Brave and the Bold is one of my favorite representations of Batman, and the Batmobile design is definitely one of my top ten favorite Batmobiles of all time. This is a 2015 HW City sub-theme release numbered 63/250 and is the first variant of the 2010 cartoon accurate version made (other than cardback and probably wheel variants if any.)

And while the purist in me thinks it looks ridiculous with the eighties-ish blue scallop trim and ugly rims the car itself is incredibly sexy and again - just a dollar - so I bought it. Plus, as is not always the case, this Hot Wheels version is proportionally correct to the cartoon version while most other toy versions of this Batmobile made were not. I think Eaglemoss makes a 1:24 version that's screen accurate, but that's about it. So I love it!

All these Hot Wheels Batmobiles are on store shelves now, so go out there and hope I didn't hit the store before you. Because when it comes to Batmobiles - I'll buy that for a dollar!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Sorry deleted my earlier comment because I messed up a link. What I said was:
      The Brave and the Bold batmobile is my favorite version of the car. Before it came along, my favorite batmobiles included the '66, '89, and the 40s. I love that the Brave and the Bold batmobile seemed to mix aspects of all of those cars together into one great car that (BONUS) also transforms into a jet!
      I skipped this version, because the blue wasn't doing it for me, but I think I have 5 or 6 others lying around the house.
      I also have this cool model, which doesn't roll, and is too big to mix in with hot wheels, but looks good.

    2. Yeah, that's the Eaglemoss one I was talking about. It doesn't roll?!?!

    3. No, just a plastic shell body on a plastic chassis, but the paint is nice and detailed.

  2. Nice! I haven't seen the yellow one yet!

  3. Yeah, got all those too- love 'em! Saw they really dumped out the dark chrome/yellow '89 again recently, but left 'em for the kids as I already have a couple

    1. It's difficult for me to leave any of these behind, but I am much better about that than I used to be!
