

Marvel Legends Hellcat

Since I'm way more of a DC than a Marvel, and since I know nothing about Hellcat beyond what I've recently Googled, there's really no reason for me to be so enamored by this Hellcat action figure from Marvel Legends...

Except of course that Hellcat looks like the 1966 television Batgirl and Catwoman had a baby together - all the way down to her red hair and painted-on eyebrows!

Therefore Hellcat is now officially part of my own DC/Marvel multiverse.

Also, who doesn't love saying 'Hellcat'?

Hellcat Hellcat Hellcat!

About half way through this photo-shoot my intern decided to 'help'. So without further ado:

She said 'this picture is perfect.'

I will say that Hellcat feels pretty sturdy, and I wasn't too concerned with my Intern slamming her around a bit.

That's good, and although a younger kid will never be able to make one of these uberticulated figures stand, it's good to know the figure won't fall apart if your kid looks at it cross-eyed.

'HeeeYAH! Take that, whoever my primary villain is!'


  1. Hellcat always confused me when I was a little kid. Based on her appearance, I was convinced she was a Batman character, and I couldn't understand why she was appearing in Marvel comics instead of DC.

    1. She's a spy - Batman is so freaking badass he has eyes EVERYWHERE, even in other publishers' books! (Sounds like a great Grant Morrison plot!)

  2. I saw her over the weekend at City Market but passed on her...for now lol.

    1. She doesn't seem to be flying off shelves, I've seen her a few times. Which is good if you want her. I recommend you get her, she's great!

  3. I remember her from her days in the Defenders. I had a bunch of issues of that comic, but I still couldn't figure out what her powers were.

    Now that you've mentioned the Batgirl and Catwoman resemblance, I can't unsee it. I can't believe I didn't see it before.

    1. Her powers are being Batman's in-Marvel spy (see comment above.)
