

Desert Storm Batman :: Batman v Superman Blast Attack Batman Action Figure

The movie isn't out yet, but from the previews I can already say that one of my most favorite scenes in Batman v Superman includes Batman in pants and a trench-coat. Because there's something so 'comic-booky' about Batman throwing on some pants and a trench-coat (and goggles) in order to storm the desert lair of a rogue Superman.

Rumors abound about the scene and it's full meaning in the DC movie hierarchy, but I won't go into that spoilery stuff here. Sufficed to say, I'm looking forward to it!

Anyways, I was surprised to already see this version of Batman (officially dubbed 'Blast Attack Batman') on the toy aisles as part of Mattel's lower priced (around ten bucks) mainstream Batman v Superman line. The movie isn't even out yet and already there have been, by my unscientific count, about ten or eleven figures in this line (including Aquaman and Wonder Woman!)

I am officially dubbing this version of Batman 'Desert Storm Batman' because it sounds far better than Blast Attack Batman. I also predict this will be a popular cosplay because it shouldn't be too tough to pull off (I am already planning my Halloween costume!)

Batman comes with a pair of removable goggles, which can be placed over his eyes or on his forehead like in the preview. I love that Mattel gave us goggles as a separate piece and didn't mold them on the head or glue them down.

Batman also comes with a 'Mega Blaster' which looks like the EMP rifle Christian Bale used in The Dark Knight Rises. 

Two accessories included with a ten dollar figure? Mattel has gone MAAAAD!!!!

Of additional note: only the head on this figure is re-used from previous releases. Every other piece is unique to this figure. The detail on this figure really looks incredible, especially considering this is the 'lower-end' figure. The trench-coat is thick and gives the figure a very heavy, solid feel. And then there's the pants. What can I say about the pants? It's pants!



  1. It's like the old days, with all the crazy costume variants for Batman. But this time, it will actually be in the movie.

    1. I've never had a problem with variants as long as they are logical to the character or comic/movie accurate. Sadly, so few are.

  2. I almost bought this figure the other day but I know Mattel will be putting him in the Multiverse series, so I decided to wait. I'm surprised that I had the restraint!

    1. I never expected this variant to be in the lower-priced line, so I was pleasantly surprised to see him; as long as this cheaper line keeps putting out stuff like this one, I'll be sticking with it.

  3. I plan on grabbing him when I can.

  4. He looks cool,different but cool.I almost picked up the blue suit Batman from this line.They're only 8 bucks and change!I passed on It though :( Maybe next time.

    1. I saw that one too and am tempted. I still don't have a 'basic' Batman from this line but it's on my list.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I went back and picked up that Bats fig :) Haven't cracked him open yet,looking forward to it though.They actually had a whole bunch of these at an out of the way Wal Mart i went too today.I should have taken pics.They had a red and black heat attack Batman and I think an Aqua man variant as well.Looks like they're going all out.

    4. It's neat to have a less expensive line with lots of figures, both movie relevant and 'expanded.' Reminds me of the good old days.

  5. Hmm, I don't know. Batman meets Dick Tracy. Not sure how I feel about that.

    1. Or McGruff the Crime Bat, or maybe even ColumBat!
