

Beetleborg Metallix

I never did get into Power Rangers, so it should come as no surprise that I cared even less about Beetleborgs, which were clearly inspired by/riding the coattails of the Power Rangers back in the nineties.

I suppose what the Beetleborgs had going for them over the Power Rangers was the fact that they weren't running around saying it was time for morphine every ten minutes, But there was that freaky-ass Jay Leno/Joker lovechild running around the Beetleborg universe so any points they gained they just lost ten-fold.

Anyways I do love a lot of the Japanese Kaiju types like Godzilla, as well as the weird guys in rubber suits like Ultraman and Kamen Rider, so when I found a couple Beetleborg toys at the flea market a few months back for super cheap I went ahead and bout them. I originally intended on giving them away or trading them away, but over time they have grown on me. I might still be talked out of them, but these guys do impress me so I have to admit I like them far more than I imagine I'd enjoy their source material were I forced to endure it.

Especially the man in black here, Shadow Borg. He reminds me a lot of Kamen Rider, with his insect helmet and antennae. These toys are exquisitely crafted as well, with lots of articulation and shiny parts galore. I don't have his weapons or any other accessory he may have come with, but he's impressive on his own and I really like the look of him.

Blue Stinger is another of the two Beetleborgs I found that day. I like to think of Blue Stinger as the Jaimie Reyes version of Blue Beetle.

Also loaded down with articulation and shiny bits, Jaimie, I mean Blue Stinger did have that one single accessory stuck to his left wrist. Not sure what it is, maybe a way to attach his weapon to his arm or something.

So there you have it, my Beetleborg Metallix collection. I only know their names and that they were part of the Metallix line because I googled it. Otherwise the only thing I know about Beetleborgs is that Conan O'Brien was up for the role of the Joker but Jay Leno decided he didn't want to give it up after all. And the rest is late night TV history.


  1. I would turn these into Sentinels so fast..

    1. They would make great bases for a sentinel custom!

  2. I never realized just how cool those figures were. I blame Flabber for my dislike of the show. My god did I ever hate his stupid face.

    1. Yeah, what the hell were they thinking including that dumbass?

  3. Love them! And they look to be in fantastic shape!

  4. I was just a little too old to be into Power Rangers when it premiered, and I've never heard of Beetleborgs, but these figures actually look pretty cool.

    1. Yeah I'm too old to have been into power rangers too, although I am surprised at how many of my contemtporaries seem to be into them, especially now that they are part of Imaginext.

  5. My nephew was really into these guys and Mystic Knights at the time.They look cool.And so damn shiny!Love It :)Quick fact- Saban,the creators of most of these live action shows,are big Hilary Clinton supporters.
