

I'm a Sweet Little Bird in a Gilded Cage...

First, a toy-collecting-public service announcement. If you have a Ross store in your town, check their (notoriously disastrous) toy section. DC Infinite Heroes 3 packs are showing up there and are selling for $4.99!

I had read this news on various toy forums but did not realize until last weekend that a my town close to me actually does have a Ross! So I went there and was lucky enough to score the Hawkman/Thanagarian warrior three pack!

At $4.99 this set is phenomenal! (Sword did not come with the set - I stole it from a Schleich knight.)

Hawkman alone is worth that price (and maybe even a bit more IMO.) I usually prefer the classic Hawkman look but I really like this barbarian take on him too.

And considering the fact that I couldn't find this set at the usually (gouging) price of $15 - $20 (depending on where you buy them...or where they shelf-warm) I was doubly excited!

The more DCIH figures I get the more I like the series. They aren't nearly as bad as many toy collectors make them out to be. The price is high (especially without accessories,) and the scale between characters isn't as consistent as it could (should) be, but I imagine that'll all adjust itself in time. In the meantime I'm just picking up the ones I can't live without...and a nice sale doesn't hurt either!

Here's one of the two Thanagarian Warrior figures that come in the set. Both are exactly the same so I only photoed one. They are also weaponless, and I added the mace myself, also taken from a Schleich knight. It looked kind of fancy and official, so it seemed appropriate for this guy.

Hawkman's wings don't move at all but are very well sculpted and surprisingly they do not tip Hawkman backwards.

The Thanagarian is a cool addition and melds the "old" with the "new" in the Hawkman mythos - one could imagine this is actually Katar Hol of Hawkworld if one wished.

Their builds are vastly different and make Hawkman look a little short in comparison, but DCIH figures have scale issues and I'm over it ;)

Hawkman's helmet is well designed and more primal than his classic superhero looking mask.

His boots are really cool too, with birdlike feet sculpted in and not just painted over.

This is a good set no matter what but at $4.99 it's phenomenal! DC Infinite Heroes need more accessories though - at least for the characters who it makes sense to have Hawkman and his Thanagarian warrior pals. Good thing I have toys laying all over the place from which I can borrow.

For those keeping track, Hawkman and his cronies cause our DCIH goodguy-to-badguy ratio to soar into the stratosphere:

Infinite Heroes: 9

Infinite Villains: 1


  1. the hawkman logo remind me much about thundercats. LOL it is a good steal for that price. Good score bro.

  2. I was so close to buying this three pack this weekend at a TRU, but passed. However, I DO have a Ross near me! Huzzah!

    Thanks for the heads up!

  3. I had no idea that Ross had toys. I've had one close by for several years. Doh!

    Congrats on the great score!!

  4. Brian, you usually aren't missing much more than a tornado touchdown in miniature, full of snot nosed screaming children with no parental supervision. But sometimes Ross' toy section holds a gem or two.

    Good luck!

  5. Bubba - Perfect description of a Ross. :)

    The Irredeemable Shag
