

Batman: TB&TB Batmobile - by Hotwheels!!!!!

I just saw this picture of the 2010 Hotwheels line-up at Saruman's BigBossToys blog and my eye was immediately drawn to #49

Holy die-cast toys, Batman! That is in true fact the Batman: The Brave and the Bold Batmobile in Hotwheels form!

O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! I will be stalking the Hotwheels aisle like paparazzi on Sean Penn from now until the day I have this toy treasure in my hands!*

*thank God I already found Ecto-1, or else I'd have to double my efforts. I haven't seen a second one of that vehicle yet!


  1. Well that's two that I will have to be on the lookout for, since I still haven't seen the Ecto-1!

  2. Thanks for the heads up! I will be on the hunt for that one too along with several others on that poster!

  3. that bold batmobile will be a collectible item for sure!

  4. yes it will be! and anybody, i mean anybody who found more than 1 unit of the bold batmobile, please take 1 for me!!! here in KL I might never see it like the 1966 batmobile 2009 series! (pretty pleaseeeeee)

  5. Cool!!! First I've heard of this!!

  6. It's awesome that Batman: TB&TB is getting so much love. I've really got to give the show a shot and just soak it in. I've seen a few episodes, but not enough to really "get it" yet, you know?

  7. Man, I still haven't found an Ecto-1 either! I hope to and thanks for the head's up on the Batmobile. Gotta have that one!

    You didn't find any of the 1966 Batmobiles? I found several with the FTE wheels.
