

Harley Qwednesday :: Almost Harley

Oh frabjous day, callooh callay, once again it's Harley Qwnednesday!

Let's start with some art. I was going through some old art files recently and came across this "Gotham Junior High" version of Joker and Harley Quinn I did many years ago.

And while perusing the internet looking for Smallville information, I found this picture of a singer named Kerli. As of this writing, I know nothing about her except that she sang a song used in a Smallville Season 10 commercial...

...but this image just screams Harley Quinn! Dontchya think?

If you want to know more about Kerli, check out her official website and of course Wikipedia.

Have a happy Harley Qwednesday! See ya' next week!

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