

I B'Wana Rock and Roll All Night

Saw "Devil" tonight (loved it!) and on the way home I decided to stop by Toys R Us.

While there I couldn't believe my eyes when they fell upon this beautiful Beast:

B'Wana Beast! Odd that the card title emphasizes "Machete" over his name. Poor B'Wana gets no respect.

Finding this guy today is also pretty good timing, considering the season premiere episode of The Brave and the Bold that aired last night, and B'Wana's big role in it.

I absolutely love this guy and all the schlocky corny comic-bookyness that he represents. When I saw him on the shelf I literally grinned from ear to ear.

To have him in Brave and the Bold action figure style is just too cool for words.

Not sure of all the characters/figures available in this release. There was a "Ninja Batman" on the shelves, and on the back of Ninja Batman is a picture of Barry Allen Flash, but B'Wana's cardback only shows previously released figures. I do know a Gentleman Ghost was planned but do not know if he will be part of this release or not.

Regardless, I have me a B'wana, and I am a happy camper.


  1. Maybe it was meant to tie in with the recently released film "Machete" as well.

  2. You may be on to something there, Mario.

  3. I wonder if they will be doing a Vixen figure too? And if they are they need to pack in Detective Chimp with her dang it! lol.

  4. I would give up most all of the toys I have now to get female characters in the Brave and the Bold style. The character designs are just too perfect. Alas, I don't think it will ever happen, as the toyline is aimed squarely at boys. Sad really.
