

"King Hiss? Yeah I know him. The guy's a pussy." least compared to this snake guy:

This is Scale Tail; part of the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles toyline by Playmates and released in 1992. I found him at the swap meet a few months back and couldn't pass him up, he's just so ridiculous and over-the-top - even for a TMNT toy!

King Hiss' arms are only made up of one snake each, this guy has three for his right arm alone! Plus, they are tangled up - that's hardcore!

And his tongue is a double barreled gun, which has got to make dating difficult. No wonder he looks so angry. He also has a gun permanently attached to his tail and a couple extra snakes hanging out down there for good measure.

Scale Tail is a bounty hunter from Dimension X, which also explains the sword, gun and vial of poison hanging from his belt. Mine came to me sans accessories but an original Scale Tail had a handful of them, as was common with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle action figures.

Being a bounty hunter makes Scale Tail a pretty cool character, because bounty hunters are always cool.

That is until we see the TMNT prequels and find out he's just an angry little snot nosed brat with clone-daddy issues. Oops, wrong bounty hunter.


  1. This guy is awesome looking and i will have to keep my eye out for him. : )

  2. Wow, awesome find!
    I don't EVER remember seeing this guy on the packaging and I used to have ALOT of TMNT figures.

  3. Wow man! This toy is so awesome. I've never seen this guy. I'll definitely need to keep any eye out for him. Thanks for sharing. I never find cheap cool toys like this ;-)

  4. Thanks Manetoys and jboy!

    Soundwave and Justin -- I'm still surprised by the breadth of the TMNT toyline - I still see stuff I never knew existed!

  5. My sister always wanted this guy. Never found him in stores, though.
