

March of the Pugnacious Penguin

This Battle Beast is from the final wave: Series 3: Beast #75. Pugnacious Penguin. He's pretty awesome, and if it weren't for arms instead of flippers, would make a good stand-in for a Batman Returns penguin.

This guy has a 'Fire' designated rub sign that is a little worn but still functions. I found him alone at the flea market a few months ago and probably paid a quarter for him.

I never had Pugnacious Penguin in my childhood collection of Battle Beasts, but would have probably gotten him if I had seen him in stores. Although this one came out in 1987 and I know I had stopped collecting Battle Beasts by then.

Regardless, this is one cool (pun intended) Battle Beast. I think I'll hold on to him for a while.


  1. Awesome score! I never ever find Battle beasts in my travels any more, and to only pay a quarter is the best part. I bet he would sell on ebay for seven dollars or more.

  2. Ah Battle Beast how i love them and what a great deal you got on this on Eric. : )
