

Harley Qwednesday :: Art Week - A Crumb-y Harley Quinn

Art Week continues into Harley Qwednesday with this 'classic' Harley Quinn illustration by me and mildly inspired by R. Crumb.

I think it's the massive nipples that remind me most of Crumb, but the stout stature also helps. Probably safe to assume a lot of my work is at least peripherally inspired by Crumb, if for nothing else than the fact that I too can appreciate a curvy gal.

I would love to see a Harley Quinn comic illustrated by R. Crumb, They're both just crazy enough for it to work.

This piece, like Sunday's Ivy, was inked with a brush pen and I really like the flow of it.

Qwednesday BONUS:

Nurse Harley Quinn from the videogame Arkham Asylum! Also inked with a brush pen.

In case you missed it: Art Week: Poison Ivy;
And tune in tomorrow for Art Week: Catwoman!

Keep on Truckin'

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