

Joker, have you been working out?

I was perusing eBay the other day when I came across this literal monstrosity, available from a Hong Kong seller:

Simply the Brave and the Bold Pop Gun Joker (which I still don't have and am now reminded how badly I need it!) head slapped onto the Zombie Hitman Solomon Grundy (one of the best action figures ever based on name alone!) body, the whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts when they come together in this mad fashion! The conglomeration reminds me of the Venom infused Joker from the Arkham Asylum video game in the Brave and the Bold style. And I like it!

Apparently the seller has actually sold six of these, with four remaining available as of press time. I admit I am tempted if for the sheer absurdity of the figure alone. I am also curious how this thing came to be - I don't yet own a Brave and the Bold Joker so I couldn't even say for sure if the head-swap is simple and seamless, or if the seller had to do some cutting, gluing or other adjustments to make it work. And why does the seller have ten Joker heads and ten Solomon Grundy bodies? And what compelled them to swap them all and make them available on eBay?

Enquiring minds want to know!


  1. Seven bucks with free shipping from Hong Kong isn't a terrible asking price for something like this. Do it!!!!! Take the plunge!!!!!! Peer pleasure, peer pleasure!

    1. It is a good deal, but since I don't even own Pop Gun Joker yet, I can't really justify owning this silly thing!

  2. A "unique" Joker figure ....well worth the price...
    We would have never even seen this one , had you Not posted it , good Sir...

  3. It almost looks like Joker piloting a Grundy suit. I almost expect you to be able to pop him open and pull out a tiny Joker.

    1. There actually was a Joker action figure a few years back as part of the Legends of Batman line that did something similar: It was what appeared to be a overly buff Joker in a suit jacket - but if you popped off the two-part plastic jacket it was Joker's scrawny body encased in dynamite.

    2. Actually it was 'Laughing Gas Joker' from the Legends of the Dark Knight line:

  4. With some painting, It can be "The Joker inside an armor" Yay!!
