

Imaginext Warrior Suit

Bear with me for a little bit. I know it may appear like this is becoming an Imaginext blog, and not a blog about the general geekery of toy collecting (and Harley Quinn) it has become renowned for the world over (hello, Belarus!). Don't blame me, blame Fisher-Price! The hits keep rolling in AND I can bust these things out and play with my intern without worry that they will break. These toys are fun, unique, creative and durable and I just can't get enough!

So when I spotted this Elvish Warrior Suit, part of the Medieval or Castle sub-theme, I just couldn't resist it even though it has absolutely nothing to do with DC Superheroes or Batman in general.

This may not be a superhero, but it is an Elf in a wooden 'mech' suit with a deer-head and an axe-bladed hand. I'm pretty sure if I had the ability to resist this thing I would not be able to call myself a toy nerd.

Did I mention the bow-and-arrow projectile weapon that both attaches to his wrist for shootin' and his back for storage, because I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO IN ORDER TO CONVINCE YOU OF HOW AWESOME THIS THING IS!!!

The Elf figure snaps snugly into the armor and is also removable...

...and comes with his own sword too!

I am really loving the Imaginext Elf Warrior sub-sub-theme, and hope it continues with more epic releases like this one. Some female Elf warriors would be very welcome as well - just sayin'!

This Elf stuff is very Tolkein-esque and a ton of fun.

I found this guy at K-Mart and haven't seen him elsewhere. He's pretty new but I don't know if he will prove to be an exclusive or elusive or anything at this juncture. Basically: If you want it and you see it, buy it.


  1. I need to track this guy down. I love Imaginext stuff! Have you seen the images of series 5 that have just been showing up in stores? A Ghost! A Werewolf! A storm from Big Trouble in Little China! It's an awesome set and I can't wait to get mine!

    1. I did see those Series 5 pics! I am shocked they are out so soon. I am totally in for Werewolf, Queen, Fly-guy and the ghost myself if I ever find them (still no sign of series 4 in my area either!)

    2. Really? My local Wal-Mart had two boxes of them last night. Are you looking for the whole series or just certain figures?

    3. My 'wants' are the Space Ape, Clown and Witch. I would probably take the Boxer, but I can live without him too.

  2. it is killing me that i have not been able to find any woodland imaginext anywhere in new york!

    1. I haven't seen any since I picked this one up either.
