

From the Dollar Bin...Again :: Fairy Tale Friends by Toysmith

Superheroes aren't your thing? Well Target and Toysmith have you covered with a dollar bag of twenty Disney-esque Princesses!

When looking for the dollar bags of Toysmith Super Heroes at Target, I spotted these Fairy Tale Friends and picked up a bag for my intern. It's great to see this type of Little Plastic toy set aimed at girls (or anyone into something other than men in tights or men in uniform for that matter.) In fact, I have seen bags of ponies in the past which I really didn't look too closely at, but I presume those are also made by Toysmith. So there's something for almost everybody!

Like with the bag of Super Heroes, the Fairy Tale Friends assortment includes a mix of six different sculpts in each of three colors (pastels this time.) Let's take a look at the ladies, shall we?

This one is clearly based on Cinderella. You can tell by the missing shoe.

The set includes two fairies. This one is basic and not based on any specific fairy. I do appreciate that she is sculpted not only with a base, but a character relevant flower base. Smart design.

The set also includes two mermaids. Not sure what the logic is here, are mermaids and fairies just super popular? I mean, there are about fifteen bajillion Disney princesses now, where's the Pocahontas, Mulan, Merida, Snow White, Tiana, Jasmine...ahem...can you tell I have daughters?

Mermaid number two. Again, it's cool that they are sculpted with themed bases - this time shells.

This one seems like Princess Aurora, aka Sleeping Beauty, to me. She looks pretty drifty, like she pulled an all-nighter at the local tavern.

Finally and inarguably, Tinkerbell. Another flower base, and a cool pre-flight pose. This one is my favorite. That is, if I were into fairies and princesses. Ahem.

These Fairy Tale Friends can be found at Target in their dollar section (usually near the entrance or exit depending on which direction you are heading.) Get some!


  1. These are very nicely done like the Super Heroes!

  2. I will totally have to check these out! They remind me of C.U.T.I.E. from the 80's. I am all about this!
