

Nananananananana Lava-Man!

If you're a child of the eighties and were into the sword and sorcery theme of the time (and if you were a red blooded American and not some sort of pinko commie) then you've probably heard of Arco's Other World toyline.

Other World was a weird bendy/action figure toyline with heroes, villains and steeds that also boasted glow-in-the-dark weapons and accessories. The GITD weapons were the bomb-diggity and really set the Other World toyline apart from other toys of the time.

This guy is Lava-Man (or is it Lava Man, or perhaps Morty Lavaman of the Long Island Lavamans?) And...yeah, that's all that I or probably anyone knows about Lava-Man.

Other World was a cheap knock-off/rip-off of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe but they had GLOW IN THE DARK WEAPONS (and...bendy-ness...yay?) but I loved them, and you probably did too.

Sadly I didn't hold on to my childhood Other Worlders (oh Froggacuda, I hardly knew ye). The only other Other World toy I currently own is Gaifand who, like Lava-Man, I found at the flea market. These things just don't pop up much at all on my toy hunts.

I'd love to gather together a few more Other World figures, especially that one dude and the red dude and maybe the green dude (yeah, I don't remember their names and am lazy so I won't look them up right now) and FROGGACUDA! Oh man, that Froggacuda was pretty great. He was a frog, crossed with a umm, well, person, and I don't know, some sharp teeth so BARRACUDA!

I'm pretty sure the first draft of Heart's hit was originally titled Froggacuda but Nancy Wilson knew your feeble minds just couldn't take it. So Anne suggested 'Barracuda' instead and the rest is rock and roll history.


  1. Mr.Lava,Lava!ooooooooh!Mr.Lava,Lava!

  2. Love this guy! I rarely come across this one.

    1. I was shocked to find him. Immediately knew he was an Other Worlder even though I had never seen him in person before!

  3. Alas, I never appreciated my Other World figures, and they were eventually lost to the tides of time. I never even knew this guy existed, but I love him already.

    1. He loves you too, Chris, and he admits he never knew you existed either.

  4. I don't remember these guys at all! Granted, I'm a bit on the younger side when it comes to MOTU fandom (born in '83) so these could have been well before my prime toy buying time.

    1. GET OFF MY LAWN! But seriously, yeah I think these ran from like 82-84 or so. This guy is dated 1984.

  5. I don't think I ever saw this one. But I do remember the 4 armed green guy!
