

It's Halloween!!! :: Countdown to Halloween 2013

Countdown to Halloween 2013 is over - it's finally Halloween!
Kasu Quinn as Zombie Harley Quinn via

I hope everyone had fun following along with us this month. I sure had a good time putting together a post for every day in October. I was able to take some time early to pre-schedule a lot of them, so I wasn't overwhelmed every night trying to come up with something fresh. That strategy helped me enjoy the process and prevented stress or missed days. I recommend that anyone who is interested in doing a month long theme should try and pre-write as many posts as possible!

I hope all readers old and new had fun too and enjoyed the countdown here and at all the Countdown to Halloween 2013 participant blogs.

Thanks for swinging by! Now bust out that Ben Cooper box and get ready to stuff your face full of Jolly Ranchers and Snickers bars!

But before you do, holler 'Trick or Treat!' and enjoy some Toyriffic Countdown to Halloween 2013 highlight treats:

Bikini-clad Vampires!
Stephen King!
Harley Quinn!

See you in November...IF YOU SURVIVE THE NIGHT!!!!!


  1. Woohoo! Halloween 2013 is finally here!

    And dang, that's a creepy Harley Quinn costume!

  2. Hope you have a Happy Hallowe'en!
