

Movie Star Splinter

One of the greatest comic book movies of all time was the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie released in 1990. The budget was a fraction of what even the cheapest action movie costs these days, let alone a summer comic book blockbuster, but it was incredibly true to the (at the time limited and undiluted) source material, well acted, well choreographed, well designed (Jim Henson's Creature Shop's involvement cemented that fact for all time) and In my honest opinion it still holds up to this day in every way.

At the time of the movie's release I was aware of the Turtles from a comic book perspective but did not partake in any other Turtle media. I went to see the movie and absolutely loved it, but beyond comic books I didn't pay much attention to Turtle-Mania until years later. In retrospect I wish I had, having grown since then to greatly appreciate the awesomeness of Playmate's original toyline.

One of the highlights of the original TMNT movie was the full puppet Splinter the Rat. Like Yoda before him, puppet Splinter was able to portray on the silver screen majesty and comedy and pathos in equal measure. He was also a better actor, producing more honest emotion than many real living people in the business. Again, all credit for this fact goes to Jim Henson and crew. Pure, unadulterated geniuses, one and all.

I'm lucky to have an original Splinter action figure from the first wave of TMNT action figures, and while this 1992 'Movie Star Splinter' is a shade of what the actual movie version of Splinter represented, he's still a fun variant I am glad to now add to the handful of Splinter action figures I have amassed to date.

Movie Star Splinter is flocked (ala Mossman or Panthor, for you readers of the MOTU generation,) which is kind of cute and a neat contrast to the rubbery build of the movie Turtles that were also intended to reflect the 'lifelike' movie aesthetic. He also comes with a...wait for it...ratty (haw haw) robe which is held down by a plastic 'rope' belt. Because he is a mutant rat who lives in the sewer, natch! He doesn't shop at Jos. A. Bank fercryinoutloud!

Movie Star Splinter is in pretty good condition considering he was another Flea Market find from the bottom of a random pile of junk. His head sculpt definitely has more personality than his original figure does, and I like the ratty robe. Were I a kid, I would prefer this guy over the original Splinter, but as an adult collector I can appreciate each for their individual strengths.


  1. I didn't know there was a flocked Splinter out there, but that's brilliant. Very cool.

    1. I knew about him but had never seen him in person until last weekend. He's fast become my favorite Splinter figure!

  2. Man, we've been rewatching the original TMNT movies with my little one (not that we hadn't rewatched them pretty often already) and I'm still impressed with how convincing the characters are in the first film. It's just incredible how much more effective those practical effects were than the majority of digital effects still.

    1. Few movies, comic book or otherwise, hold up as well as the original TMNT. More amazing still due to it being a bunch of guys in latex suits with animatronic heads (not to mention the Splinter puppet!)

  3. Your words about the original film are dead-on. It's amazing how good it was - gritty, but fun & true to the material. I always felt Batman Begins got all the credit for re-inventing a genre TMNT created years earlier.

    But enough film chatter, furry Splinter is fur-tastic! Love that figure.

    1. yeah, it's sad the sequel immediately neutered the series by making all the weapons/fights 'cartoony'. That and it having been rushed to production since they were trying to cash in on a 'fad' (lol, if they only knew!) - Had part 2 been given the same treatment as part 1 the history of comic book movies would have been changed forever!
