
Happy 75th Birthday, Batman!

75 years ago today, Detective Comics issue #27 first hit newsstands and ushered into pop culture an American icon: The Bat-Man!

Created by Bill Finger and Bob Kane, no one at the time could have guessed (although some shrewd business moves made many people very very rich while leaving some almost completely forgotten to history) that The Bat-Man, mysterious vigilante of the night, who was in fact bored millionaire Bruce Wayne, would not only endure for 75 years and counting, but would grow to one of the most recognizable fictional characters in our modern times and grow beyond the comic book page to be represented in nearly every form of media.

Here's to another 75 years and then some! Batman is indeed the hero we deserve.


LEGO Zatanna custom minifigure

Another custom kitbash LEGO minifigure: Zatanna, mistress of magic!

LEGO Zatanna is made up of random pieces from various garage sale finds. I have no idea who this suited torso originally belonged to. And while I am pretty sure the head is from a Jedi, I also do not know who it originally belonged to. But the olive complexion, the greenish lips and the dots across the bridge of the nose give Zatanna an exotic look that separates her a bit from being just a minifigure gal in a tuxedo. I think the legs go to an old LEGO Knight minifigure, and the hair might be from a modern blind bagged minifigure.

I might throw some white paint or white tape on the wand, and if I had a black top hat for her to hold in her other hand she'd be pure gold; unfortunately I wasn't into LEGO minifigures during Series 1 when they released an actual magician minifigure! Maybe someday I will track him down for parts; until then Zatanna is pretty cool in her own right and I'm happy to have her on my LEGO JLA team!

And if you just can't get enough Zatanna, check out The Other Side blog for Zatanna Zaturday - a Zatanna themed post every Saturday!


Princess What's-Her-Name

Princess What's-Her-Name is her name, and Earthworm Jim is her (video) game!

What's buzzin', cousin?
In 1995 Playmates Toys released a line of action figures based on the Earthworm Jim video game series and subsequent animated television show.

Confession: I have never played the Earthworm Jim video game nor have I ever, to my failing memory, seen the television show.

But I did own an Earthworm Jim action figure back then. He was pretty cool. Unfortunately he has been lost to time (I'm usually pretty good at remembering if I gave away or otherwise intentionally got rid of a toy, so his lack of existence in my collection is a mystery to me.)

A figure I did not own is this Princess What's-Her-Name. This one was just gifted to me by Jboy of Clawful Punch. Thanks Jboy!
Distress? No, dis leotard.
Princess What's-Her-Name started out in the Earthworm Jim video game as a one-joke parody of all the distressed damsels of video game fame. Her character was later fleshed out for her cartoon appearance.

I just love the design of this figure. I honestly don't think I appreciated this stuff as much when it was originally released, (if I did, I'd surely own the whole EWJ line!) but the older I get the more I love Playmates Toys' figure designs from the late eighties and nineties. They all had an undeniably 'toy' quality, but also a cartoony cuteness that made them seem to have popped right off the drawing board and in to life! Everyone from Raphael to Dick Tracy to Princess What's-Her-Name and even Geordi LaForge all meld together into a sort of end of century uber-toyline, with their squatty poses and cartoonish likenesses and kind-of-similar scale.

As someone who grew up combining all their toys into team-up adventures, I can really appreciate the inherent sameness in Playmates designs of the time.

And speaking of team-ups, I really wanted Princess What's-Her-Name to meet up with my TMNT Killer Bee:

He's so FLUFFY!
Playmates Toys' action figures of today have their good points, but there's definitely a level of je ne sais quoi that the old school figures had that is simply missing from the toys of today.

Killer Bee makes a good minion for Princess What's-Her-Name. Even though they come from different properties, they look like they were always meant to be together.

OW! You're sitting on my hair! Oh wait, no...I'm sitting on my hair. Carry on.
I had hoped he would make a good ride for her too, but Princess What's-Her-Name's hair is pretty bulky, so she doesn't sit on him all that well.

I suppose I'll be on the lookout for an Earthworm Jim now. Princess What's-Her-Name need someone to rescue!


Stardust the Super Wizard :: The latest Amazing Heroes reveal by Fresh Monkey Fiction

Following up on their Black Terror reveal, Fresh Monkey Fiction just released this image of the second Amazing Heroes action figure - the wacky and wonderful Stardust the Super Wizard!

Stardust the Super Wizard is super wacky crazy Golden Age psychedelia - and while this action figure doesn't capture the beautifully nightmarish original artwork, it does capture his likeness well and has me even more excited for this full line. This may very well be the first Kickstarter Campaign I actually contribute to!

Fresh Monkey Fiction is getting lots of people excited about their upcoming Kickstarter Campaign to bring to the world this super fun line of 4.5" Golden Age hero and (maybe) villain action figures in retro-classic style. Most folks hope the 'Avenging Hero' is the (not marvel) Dare-Devil...but who could the 'Man of Mystery' be?

Stay tuned to Fresh Monkey Fiction on Facebook for up to the minute updates on the Kickstarter Campaign that will bring these Golden Age guys out to their adoring public soon!


Harley Qwednesday :: Sideshow Collectibles Sixth Scale Harley Quinn

Does anyone have $189.00 (plus tax and shipping) they want to donate to my dolly fund?

"Did I pop one cork, or...umm...no corks? Well, are you feelin' lucky, punk?"
Pour me a cuppa' and call me Mrs. Nesbitt because damnitalltohell I WANT THIS DOLLY!

When first announced, this Sixth Scale Harley Quinn by Sideshow Collectibles looked nice and really caught my attention. But there were a couple things that kept her from being an immediate home-run.

First, in the original pre-order solicitations, her tassels were backwards. They fixed that issue (thank goodness!)

The second issue was the corset - namely, was it removable so you could get a more comic accurate costumed Harley Quinn?

"Who says a gal has to show skin to be sexy? Countin' my make-up, I ain't showin' ANY!"
Well that is obviously not an issue either - the corset is removable, and of course it's not a dolly unless you can undress it, right?

So basically, this dolly is incredible looking and I want one. I WANT A TWO HUNDRED DOLLAR DOLLY!

If I had the couple Benjamins to spend on this dolly I would do it in a second.

And I would hug her and pet her and call her George. UNABASHEDLY!

Thankfully for my nominal grip on reality, I do not have the moolah to waste on the most wondermous dolly in the history of dolly-kind. 

Also, she comes with swappable heads, hands, a mallet, a stand, etc. so you can change her expression and poses and the stuff she's holding.

Because JUST hugging and petting her would be weird.

"Please Hammer, hurt 'em!"
Normal people dream of winning the lottery so they can buy a mansion and a yacht. Is it sad that I dream of winning the lottery so I can buy a Harley Quinn dolly?

Yes, yes it is.

Oh well. I gave up 'normal' the day I started this blog.

Sigh. Sorry Harley dolly. It was never meant to be!


Black Terror Action Figure by Fresh Monkey Fiction

Fresh Monkey Fiction is gearing up to launch a Kickstarter Campaign to bring you a fresh line of 4.5" Golden Age hero and villain action figures, much in the style (to my eye) of the classic Marvel Secret Wars action figure line! They have yet to reveal all the details (or the full figure line-up) but they have revealed one figure that has me pretty excited: The Black Terror!

Now I admit I don't know much about The Black Terror. I was only introduced to him via Dynamite Entertainment's 'Project Superpowers' comics a few years back. But I love his character design and I love the Golden Age, I of course love a nifty action figure, and the Secret Wars line holds a spot in my heart as one of my favorite childhood toylines (even though I only owned three of them!) so this Black Terror is an absolute 'win' for me!

The rest of Series 1 has yet to be revealed. Feel free to peruse the Public Domain Super Heroes wiki and speculate to your heart's content. And stay tuned to Fresh Monkey Fiction on Facebook for up to the minute updates on the Kickstarter Campaign that will bring these guys out to the public in all their plastic glory!

And to learn more about The Black Terror, check him out on the Public Domain Super Heroes wiki, or download his early adventures at The Digital Comic Museum!

Thanks to Battlegrip for the tip!


1.21 Playmo-Watts! Great Scott! Back to the Future Playmobil Customs are Heavy!

Marty McFly and Doc Brown - Playmobil style! Some more very simple Playmobil custom figures I was able to scrape together with all the random parts and pieces I have. Honestly, I don't know if I even did anything to the figure on the left to make him into Marty (except - maybe - give him brown hair) and Doc could be better - if I ever come across a white scientific jumpsuit or something like that he'll be even cooler. But for simple parts-swap customs they are fun to have around. And of course, since they are time travelers, they fit into any Playmobil scenario I can come up with!


Imaginext Martian Manhunter and Plastic Man

I was out looking for the Imaginext Poison Ivy and Scarecrow figure set the other day, and while I did not find it I did stumble on to the Target exclusive Imaginext Martian Manhunter and Plastic Man set!

I had seen this set once in the past, but I passed on it. This time I found it in conjunction with a Target Imaginext sale, so I just couldn't walk away from it again! I'd have of course preferred a classic Martian Manhunter, but this one, based on the modern New52 version, does look pretty cool. And of course Plastic Man is always awesome.

I'm glad I found this set again, especially since it is a Target exclusive. While I have yet to experience any sort of retail shortage for any Imaginext set I have wanted, these figures will only appear at Target stores (at least for the forseeable future), so my shopping options are limited. I'd hate to have passed on it twice and never see it again!

I shouldn't have passed on it the first time, honestly, but Poison Ivy is higher on my list, and I am surprised she has thus far been the more elusive set.

I haven't opened this one yet, but Plastic Man deviates from the Imaginext norm and is more of a rubbery bendy toy than the standard articulated Imaginext action figure. A neat idea, but I both fear his future if I do not open the package (will he suffer from Matteleprosy like many MOC Mattel figures?) and his durability if I do (will he eventually tear or otherwise degrade from too much bending?)

I'm sure I will open this set eventually, I just didn't have the time between shooting the pictures and the rest of my evening obligations. Hopefully I will get a chance to post pics of Martian Manhunter and Plastic Man free from their prison soon!


Upcoming Imaginext Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy!

Revealed at the 2014 Toy Fair is this wonderful pair from the Sponge Bob Square Pants cartoon: Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy Imaginext figures!

Now it is well known that I am no fan of Sponge Bob (or is it Spongebob?) But Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy are parodies of not only the obvious Aquaman and Aqualad, but also of Adam West as Batman and Burt Ward as Robin. Which makes them pretty awesome in their own right, without even mentioning that they are voiced on the cartoon by the late Ernest Borgnine (Mermaid Man) and Tim Conway (Barnacle Boy).

These are a must have for me, and will be slid directly into my Imaginext Justice League roster when I find them.

Pic via ActionFigureInsider Forums


Harley Quinn on next week's Arrow?

This screen grab from the promo for the upcoming Arrow episode 'Suicide Squad', to air on Wednesday March 19th, seems to suggest that Harley Quinn will, in the least, be making a cameo appearance on The CW's Arrow television show!

Now I am way too much of a realist to think Harley Quinn will have more than a two second bit part, but maybe this is a set-up for something bigger in the future.

Harley Quinn has been a member of the Suicide Squad in the past, so it isn't unreasonable to think she might actually have a fleshed out role in Arrow, or that this might be a set-up for a future storyline. And hey, the show does air on a Harley Qwednesday!

Here's hoping for big things for Harley in this week's episode of Arrow! Check out the promo below:


'The Homer' by Hot Wheels - 'The Car Built For Homer'

I finally tracked down one of the most anticipated Hot Wheels of all time: The Homer!

New for 2014, The Homer represents the vehicle Homer Simpson designed for his half-brother's Powell Motors. The Homer is car 89/250 in the HW CITY line-up for 2014.

The Homer was not only expensive (booking out at a whopping $82,000), but obviously gawd-awful, and it bankrupted Powell Motors.

Although, as a parent, you do have to admire the kid-pod in the back. I want one of those!

Okay Hot Wheels, you have raised the bar. I never would have expected in a million years that you would have made The Homer. But now that you have, I demand a Family Truckster and a Last of the Interceptors!


My Latest Obsession :: KRML :: A League of Extraordinary Bloggers Post

This week's assignment from the League of Extraordinary Bloggers: My Latest Obsession.

A tough question, considering I am obsessed with many things on a pretty consistent basis, and tend to follow obsessions that are decades old. So what would I consider a NEW obsession?

Then it hit me: KRML

I recently discovered the radio station KRML on my hour long commute to work. KRML is a community radio station out of Carmel. Film nuts may even recognize the call letters: KRML was the radio station Clint Eastwood worked at in the movie 'Play Misty for me.'

Anyways, the other day I was listening while driving, and between my commute to and from work I heard three, count 'em...THREE...songs from the Smallville Soundtrack!

Somebody SAAAVE MEEEE! - was, ironically, not one of the song they played.
In addition to listening on my commute, KRML streams from their website, so I can listen at work almost ALL DAY!

Their playlist is incredible. It is as if they went back in time fifteen years and borrowed my CD collection...and THEN went into the future and asked me what I liked in 2014!

Today they played, among other things:

Grant Lee Buffalo
Sneaker Pimps
Black Crowes
Led Zeppelin
Fleetwood Mac
Bob Dylan
The Raconteurs
Social Distortion
Dropkick Murphys
Ray Lamontagne
Of Monsters and Men
Neko Case

They also played songs and artists I haven't heard in decades, yet still knew every word.

Sure, they aren't completely perfect...they did play an REM song once...but all in all I am in absolute love with their daily song selections. And thanks to online streaming...I am now obsessed with KRML.

I'm a big fan of music and good radio, and of course non-corporate radio is always the best (ask me about KPIG someday.) So I am very glad to have discovered a local gem in KRML. Give them a listen yourself if you like good music!

Check out all the other Leaguers' Obsessions on the group post at Cool and Collected, and if you want to join the League click here for more info!


Wizard World Sacramento 2014 and Happy Birthday Natalie!

Today is my oldest daughter's birthday (Happy Birthday Natalie!) and to celebrate, we all ran up to Sacramento last weekend for the first annual Sacramento Wizard World Comic Con!

Here's Natalie meeting Posion Ivy.

And here I and my intern meet our favorite superhero Batman. Or as my intern calls him 'Super-Batman.'

I am somehow both taller than Batman and shorter than Dark Helmet! Am I back at the Santa Cruz Mystery Spot?

Darth Vader told my intern that the force is strong with her. I was somehow able to control myself and did not call him 'Annie.' The force must be strong with me too.

Norman Reedus aka Daryl from the Walking Dead was buried in hugs and bras. My Mrs. wanted to see him, but was wise enough not to spend the $45 or so bucks it cost for a signature, so we just held up the camera when we walked past and I got this shot. If I photoshop my wife into the shot I shall become obsolete.

Here's Natalie and a great looking Rule 63 classic Joker! She had the smile down perfect! Probably the best looking Joker we saw, Rule 63 or otherwise.

Me, the intern, and a nbunch of Mandalorians (I think.) The guy on the left might be some sort of RC Trooper or something. My Star Wars knowledge doesn't venture far from the films. Regardless, these folks all looked great and it was hilarious to hear one of them say  to another 'Hey, check it out, Black Cat incoming' in his helmeted speaker voice when a Black Cat cosplayer walked by.

We only attended one panel: Michael Rosenbaum. Natalie and I love Smallville and the Justice League, so listening to Lex/The Flash was a no-brainer. Michael Rosenbaum is hilarious and very friendly with his fans. He jumped right off the stage and spent the whole talk interacting with folks in the audience. What a great guy!

We didn't really meet Sheldon, just a cardboard cut-out. Come to think of it...what's the difference? HAR HAR HAR!

Another great group of Star Wars cosplayers. It's amazing how accurate these folks get with their costumes!

Natalie and a Stormtrooper. I was really happy with how Natalie just jumped right in to get her pics with these great people. Nothing like seeing your daughter with her arm around a Stormtrooper to warm a geek-daddy's heart!

Last but certainly not least - Velma!

We had such a great time at the convention. We only attended on Saturday, but it was small enough to see on just one day trip. Plus, chasing a toddler around a comic convention gets pretty tiring! Natalie picked up a couple art prints by some great artists in attendance, and I didn't run off with any Harley Quinn cosplayers.

But there's always next year!